Why Skateparks?

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All Padded Up With No Place To Shred

Trouble doesn’t follow kids who actually have a place to go. Skateparks give all sorts of people the freedom to express themselves in a healthy way. There are no tryouts, no varsity teams, no coaches—all you need is a board, a helmet, and perseverance. And there are no separate boy’s and girl’s teams, either—anyone can share a halfpipe with anyone else.


Get Some Serious (Fresh) Air

You can never have enough public, recreational outdoor spaces especially here in Delco. Most skaters have to trek into Philly and beyond for a skatepark—nerve-wracking for parents, and a hassle for teens who don’t drive yet. A local skatepark means you’ll know where your children are. Skateparks also serve as event spaces, even for non-skaters, bringing the community closer together.

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Can Delco Stick The Landing?

Skateparks are some of the most utilized spaces in our parks. Go to Radnor, Upper Chichester or Havertown’s skateparks any day and you’ll see what we mean. They are packed! Build skateparks in other Delco neighborhoods, and skaters will come, transforming underutilized land into lively and happening areas.

This pic, courtesy of Justin Mondschein, is from the awesome park in Lansdale. Calling all kids, young and young-at-heart!

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You Don’t Need A Board To Love A Skatepark

Finally, Delco’s many skaters will have more great places to, well, skate. Teens can mingle with younger kids and become responsible role models. Even adults can shake off the cobwebs. Can’t ollie? No problem. The skating community welcomes all. From deck designers, to videographers, to zine writers, to repair shops, skateboarding allows colorful communities to flourish.


What’s The Process?

We aim to get municipal approval to construct a network of skateparks in Delaware County. Right now, we are in the process of demonstrating public support. Have a kid with no place to skate? Wishing there were more people out-and-about in Delco? Sign this petition and spread the word so that we can get the ball rolling.



Build the community

Do you really want a skatepark? Let’s show high demand. So, go on and preach the benefits of skateparks to anyone who will listen! Contact us to join the coalition.

And while you are at it, share our petition.


Seek support from local officials

Free, public skateparks is our goal, and working with our elected officials is the best way to make this happen. Where do you want a park to be built? Let’s talk to your township council together.


Fundraise & build

Money talks, and proves that these projects are viable. We’ll solicit funds and materials from the community, sponsors, and foundations. Help us host events, get media attention, and find financial support.

If we do it right, a skatepark will be the talk of the town for generations. And when the concrete’s set, we can finally cut the ribbon. This may be a lengthy process, and we are in it for the long haul.

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