Chester Township Initiative - Worillow Park
Chester Township reached out to us after hearing about our coalition and were on the verge of building a pre-fabricated skatepark. After gaining a better understanding of the constraints and long-term costs of pre-fabricated skateparks, they put out to bid the construction of a concrete skatepark. Several coalition members visited the proposed site at Toby Hill Farms and we are excited to help bring a concrete skatepark to a community with a long history of skateboarding in the area.
Our first concrete!
The new park is complete and 5th Pocket did an amazing job on it. Worillow Park is ready to skate. We will be hosting a grand opening soon along with Chester Township so make sure to follow us on social media for the most up-to-date information.
Skateboarding Roots in Toby Farms:
One of the Toby Farms OG skateboarders, Sean reached out to the Delco Skatepark Coalition after hearing about the initiative to build a concrete skatepark in Chester Township. Below is an excerpt from our conversation as to what this project would mean to him and embodies the spirit of what the coalition is about.
“It is very exciting to hear the news that the Delco Skatepark Coalition has decided to put a skatepark in Toby Farms. When I heard the news I was overwhelmed with happiness since I grew up in the “Foundation” and skated those streets for years along with some of the greatest friends that a kid could have. Once we grew up and went our separate ways - the memories of skateboarding the Farms has been the constant that has kept us together. Now it just so happens that there is a skatepark being installed in the very place that we pioneered the sport. So thank you to all who have made this happen.” - Sean Farnam
From Left to Right: Steve Howard, Shane Gibson, Sean Taylor, Johnny Corporal and Chris Taylor
Finding the Park:
To find the park search for Worillow Park, Brookhaven, PA 19015. You can find parking on Powel Road and walk down the path past the basketball courts to find the skatepark.